Wednesday, February 25, 2009

U blog 3

This link is about Elgin Community college, one of the small colleges in the country that offer corporate training to prepare employees for the workforce,which is on the this course's objectives.If you go to this website and at the top of the page click the Business tab and on the dropdown list click corporate training, you will see how ECC explains how educating and training employees can lead to improved performance, morale, output and increased revenues in a company and workforce.
They deliver training solutions, knowledge and skills that can be implemented in the workplace immediately.They also offer education about workplace literacy and they deal with networking groups which are: Economic development, Manufacturing, and CEO networking groups.
I learned a lot from their website about the purpose of training employees and how they can deliver that training.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article about the benefits of properly executed corporate training. Does the training relate to a certain degree field or is it part of a curriculum? I'm curious to see if collegiate corporate training will eventually expand to other schools. I believe that corporate training along with internships can adequately prepare a newly graduate for the business world and their first job. If Elgin Community College could obtain statistics about the success of graduates with and without corporate training classes before their first job, they could receive funding and expand the program. I believe that the corporate training is an excellent benefit for graduates. It gives them a sense of direction and what to expect for the first career opportunity and allows them to adjust more efficiently. This also good for business as it would cut down on training and orientation costs allowing more specific training that the new applicant may need.
